All About Txtreme
Txtreme has been trusted for over 25 years for giving back to local high school athletic programs and first responder organizations.
We have a variety of fundraising products and services that need very little effort from your organization, such as posters, programs, and calendars. Check out our full line of products and services below.
Txtreme has also launched a new mobile fundraising app called TeamFunded, which will make raising money for your organization effortless. More details below. Please feel free to contact us anytime.

Services That Matter
The Reasons You’ll Love Us
Full-color posters that display the sports team picture, schedule, and are the best quality in the industry.School Organizations
Our account representatives find sponsors for the school and place their ad on the poster. Each business has a chance to connect to the community and support their team. The school receives money raised from the advertisements and need only supply us with team photos and schedules.
Full-color, high-quality program books for high schools showcasing team spirit and community support.Athletic Programs
The programs include head shots and team pictures of each of the Fall or Spring season’s sports. Programs also include student ads, as well as business ads gathered by our sales team.Calendars
It is important for first responders to have a connection with their community. Large, full-color posters with calendar attached or printed on the bottom and presents the officer photos on top above the sponsor ads.Police and Fire
Our account representatives work directly with police and fire departments or associations. The department/association passes these out to sponsors and the community and receives money raised from the advertisements.
The TeamFunded app has a sleek and modern design with easy and quick sharing option, such as SMS, email, Facebook, and Twitter.Fundraising App
Any school or organization can utilize the TeamFunded app. With great percentage splits and awesome prizes available for sharing and gathering donations. Please contact us for details.Other Fundraising Options
We also provide discount cards and coupon books for teams to sell in the community.Discount Cards & Coupon Books
The coupons on the cards and books give local businesses the chance to connect to the community and support their students.
We work with many local and state-wide associations, such as the Greater Houston Football Coaches Association (GHFCA), East Texas Coaches Association (ETCA), Southeast Texas Coaches Association (SETCA)...Associations
Texas High School Baseball Coaches Association (THSBCA), Coastal Bend Coaches Association (CBCA), Houston Area Basketball Coaches Association (HABCA), Greater Houston Area Basketball Association (GHABA), and the Greater Houston Area Girls Basketball Association (GHAGBA).
Giving back, Giving the best.
TeamFunded Fundraising App
The TeamFunded by Txtreme app has launched! Our onboarding representative will help set up the campaign for you. The school or organization provides the information and we have each campaign participant download the app onto their mobile device. The participant uses the app to send out a link through emails, texts, or they have the option to share on Facebook and Twitter. There is also the option to just copy a link to their campaign, so there are endless sharing opportunities. The campaign administrator account allows them to see the analytics on sharing and the donations coming in for each participant.
Participants receive PRIZES! Our prizes are the best out of all fundraising apps! During onboarding, the rep will showcase the prizes that can be won and the participant picks what they would like to win for the top tier that they reach.
Beautiful User Interface
Don’t wait! Coaches, student organizations, schools, or first-responder organizations in need of fundraising … TeamFunded is for everyone! Contact us to start a campaign today.
Setting up your campaign is super easy.
Just provide minimal information and our onboarding representative will actively guide you through the whole process.
You can download the app and use it to send out a donation link through emails, texts, or social media.
You can also see insightful analytics, individual and campaign progress.
Donors also get a chance to share the campaign with their contacts and social media.
You can even track each participant’s efforts and progress towards the campaign.
Once the campaign is ended, participants can win the prizes based on their efforts, and you collect your earnings.
Who Are We
Philosophy We Strive For
TeamFunded was built by Txtreme, of which Aaron and Jeanne Henson are the owners and have a long-standing relationship in the state of Texas of over 25 years. Txtreme works with high school coaches and communities by producing multiple digital print products, such as posters, programs, tickets, and now we have launched a mobile fundraising app. We love to help schools, associations, and first-responder organizations.
Each day we strive to help coaches and staff members provide opportunity for their students and athletes, celebrate their achievements, and focus on the kids and honor their accomplishments.
Txtreme works closely throughout the year with Coach Dick Olin and the Greater Houston Football Coaches Association to put on the annual Bayou Bowl all-star game. This allows 100% of all proceeds to go to scholarships of all athletes, both boys and girls, of the Greater Houston Area.
Now, with the Teamfunded app, we would like to further help the individual sports teams and first responder organizations to receive donations from their peers in the community.